Ikuzo Agency

Tutorial for Maps Creators

Let's dive a bit into the Ikuzo maps marketplace.

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This guide is for Ikuzo's creators. You're special because you get to make and sell maps in our Creator Maps section, also called the Maps Store. If you're reading this, congrats! You've got this special chance to share your maps with everyone on Ikuzo.

How to Make a Good Map

We only work with the best creators, like famous photographers or influencers. Your map should be just as great as your other work. Here are some easy rules to make sure your map is ready for the Ikuzo Maps Store.

Make It Clear

When you make a spot on your map, it should have a clear name. If your map is in English but the spots are in Japan, write the name in English and also add the Japanese name in the description.

Title: Start each title with a big letter, like "Gunkanjima Island" or "Mount Fuji View from Yamanakako Lake". Don't write it all in big letters. Keep the style the same for all your titles.

Description: Keep it short. A few lines or a small paragraph is enough. You can add links to Wikipedia, your social media, or other websites. If it's a place to stay, links to Booking or Airbnb are okay. If it's a great spot for taking pictures, mention the best time to visit.

Tip: You can use ChatGPT to help you come up with great titles and descriptions quickly.

Nice Photos

The photo of your spot should be one you took or one that's free to use. You can use more than one photo to show different views of the spot.

Type & Status

You can give your spot a status. This is more for you to keep things organized; all spots will look the same to people looking at your map.

Spread Out Your Spots

If your map is about Japan, try to cover the whole country, not just a few cities. It's good to have a mix of nature, interesting places, and food spots. Share spots that are really worth visiting.

Use Google Maps

When you add a spot by searching in Ikuzo, it automatically connects to Google Maps. This lets us show more info about the spot, like when it's open or its rating.

Google Maps Icon

Check if the little Google Maps icon is present on the right of the Spot Card.

Share Unique Spots

Your maps are for special customers who love discovering new places. Share unique spots that aren't in every guidebook. Your special spots will stay special, even when shared with these customers.

How to Put Your Map on Ikuzo

It's very simple. You need to open the Creator Dashboard, which is accessible when you click on the title of the map, at the top of the screen.

Open Creator Dashboard

Then, you can head to the Add New tab.

Add New Release

The Title of the release can really be anything, but don't forget; your user will see it. It could be as simple as "First Release", or maybe today's date like "March 2024". If you are testing the system and your map is not ready but you are playing with the releases, you can also use "Alpha Version" or anything you prefer.

The Description should be short (2-3 sentences), but engaging.

The Price is what users pay to get this version of your map. You should also set a Lifetime Price. Buying this means users get all new updates of your map forever, without paying more. When you add new places or update old ones, these lifetime users get these changes automatically. Other users, who haven't chosen the lifetime option, won't see the new updates unless they buy the map again at its current price. This is why the lifetime option is a really good deal.

A good guideline is to make the Lifetime Price about three times the Price.

Once you're all set, hit Add New Release to put your map up for sale.

Keep in mind: Before your map shows up for everyone, an Ikuzo admin has to approve it for public viewing. Until then, only you can see it in the store. This gives you a chance to test things out with alpha versions and make adjustments before your map goes live for everyone.

Now, visit the Releases tab.


In that section, you'll see a list of all your releases, but it's the latest one that's most important since that's the one new customers can purchase. You'll find an Update Spots button there too. Once you release a version, it becomes fixed and separate from your ongoing map updates. However, if you find an error in your latest release, you can use this button to sync it up with your current map. Remember, you can only update the spots in your most recent release, not the ones from earlier versions.

By following these steps, you can make maps that Ikuzo's customers will love. Good luck!